Fully occupy your place in the universe.



The assumptions that underpin what I offer.

Life is Precious

Life on earth has occurred against astronomical odds. It’s taken 18 billion years, including the ongoing survival and reproduction of your unique line of ancestors to get to your existence. At the core of my work is a deep appreciation for life, the universe, and the 80 years to live we get.

Your Voice Matters

While your subjective truth is a tiny fraction of the objective truth of life in the universe and should be held lightly and humbly, it holds great significance for your individual experience and is important for meaning-making, living authentic and aligned to your true nature.

Humans are Nature

Just like the rest of the natural world, you are a subject of evolution and the laws of physics. This means that, while the building blocks of your humanity are based on 4 billion years of an incomprehensible and growing intelligence— you, me, and the whole universe are all still incomplete.

You Shape the Future

How we think, speak and act in the world creates impact in every moment, effecting the future of the cosmic unfolding. It’s our duty to bring as much consciousness to this process as possible, to align our internal truths with external world, as this is our individual contribution to evolution.


Dig down underneath and we all have an original self—a tabula rasa full of infinite possibility we can bring to life.



It’s the storehouse of the raw material of all life and it lays in waiting for us to thread it into existence. Shepherding this force of the universe is what I have dedicated my life to, and its emergence through the unique rivers of your soul is why my business exists.


Want to learn more?
Book your free tea with me. 

Oh hi there 💥,

As you’ve happened upon my little corner of the internet, let me start by introducing myself.

Part branding, marketing, and creative professional, for the last ten years, I've been helping coaches, therapists, and healing practitioners discover who they are, unearth their life’s work and walk the path of their actualization in the world. Interested in learning more?

Have tea with me.

My Personal Beliefs

(As they currently stand)


I embrace the unfinished nature of the universe. I am interested in the full expression of the unique role we each play in evolution and the awe-inspiring unfolding of the universe. I don’t seek a sense of wholeness and completeness—a feeling of having arrived—instead I live dynamically in the ever-changing nature of things, believing that the only real resolution we get to living, is dying. 

I optimize for exposure. We cannot understand that which we have not experienced in some way. Therefore I value and optimize my life for increasing exposure to diverse experiences—culture, people, ideas, places etc—as I believe this is pivotal in expanding my consciousness and enabling a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

I value moral subjectivity and personal autonomy. The choices we make in life are fundamentally our own, and should be guided by an intrinsic morality rooted in our nature rather than an objective morality culturally conditioned into us. I am dedicated to uncovering and expressing the unique truth and purpose within myself and each individual, trusting in the natural order to unfold in the way it will.

I advocate for the scientific quest for objective truth. I acknowledge the flaws in scientific materialism and its susceptibility to corruption, and I uphold the scientific method as humanity's most reliable means of pursuing objective truth, appreciating its role in advancing knowledge and understanding. I work only in the realm of subjective truth, and leave all objective truth to the sciences. 

I cultivate a global consciousness. Cultural conditioning is artificial and ideologies like nationalism and patriotism are divisive for humanity. Therefore, I advocate for deconstructing the ways one’s culture has conditioned them, living in other cultures, and cultivating global consciousness and global citizenship in all areas of thought.

“The first thing we should meditate on is the preciousness of our human life —
hard to obtain, easy to destroy, I will now give it meaning.”

— Kalu Rinpoche


Philosophies I draw upon:

Existentialism: The philosophical belief that individuals have the freedom to define their own meaning and purpose in life, and therefore, that we should. 

Phenomenology: The study of subjective human experience and consciousness, focusing on understanding the structures of perception and interpretation.

Causality: The physics that examines how events in the physical world are interconnected, with each action having a preceding cause and subsequent effect.

Evolution: The process by which living organisms change over time through genetic variation, natural selection, and adaptation, leading to the diversity of life on Earth.